Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Bullying By The Numbers

Opponents of statistics often say that numbers can be skewed to prove whatever point is trying to be driven.  While this may be the case, there are some numbers that speak for themselves, and in this case, I believe I found some.  Here are some very alarming statistics on suicide, bullying, and bullycide.
  1. According to the CDC, suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death among young people, resulting in approximately 4,400 deaths per year.
  2. For every "successful" suicide, there are reportedly at least 100 attempts.
  3. Over 14% of high school students have considered suicide, and 7% have attempted it.
  4. Bullying victims are 2-9 times more likely to resort to suicide according to a Yale University study.
  5. According to the above study, 10-14 year old girls are at a high risk.
  6. According to a recent ABC News report, 30% of students are bullies or victims of bullies. (this number appears low).
  7. The same ABC report reported that 160,000 kids stay home from school every day in fear of bullying.
And many people still believe bullying is a fad or a right of passage. 

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