Saturday, September 10, 2011

Rachel's Impact

This past Thursday was an eventful day.  On Thursday morning I had the great opportunity to sit through a presentation of the Rachel’s Challenge program to a middle school assembly.  Rachel Joy Scott was the first victim of the Columbine High School Massacre on April 20, 1999.  Her father and brother have since started the Rachel’s Challenge campaign to teach students and adults how to effectively deal with bullying and other issues at schools.  Rachel’s saying was basically that with a simple act of kindness, you could “start a chain reaction.”  Rachel left such a legacy and touched so many lives prior to her death just by the way she lived.  There are over 20 little girls out there named after her, based on her life, her choices, and her acts of kindness.  Her message is simple, yet profound;
1 – Look for the best in others and eliminate prejudice
2 – Treat others the way you want to be treated
3 – Choose positive influences
4 – Speak words of kindness not cruelty
5 – Forgive yourself and others.
Imagine if we all headed those 5 simple steps.  What if we started living like this tomorrow?  How many lives would be positively affected? 

As I said, it was an eventful day.  On Thursday evening, I attended a wake for a friend who also died young the week before.  His wake was filled with memories about how this young man loved everyone, made time for everyone, and would give anything he could to anyone.  He would give his time, his talent, his ear, and his smile.  And although this young man will not be remembered in the way Rachel is, I like to think that the legacy he leaves behind, to his 3 children, was very similar; acceptance, love, and kindness.  RIP Gary ‘Clutch’ Flores. 
For more information on Rachel Joy Scott or the Rachel’s Challenge program, click here.

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