Saturday, August 27, 2011

Violence in Fort Worth

Here’s a sad story about an incident at a Fort Worth, Texas high school from this week. 
Schools across the Dallas Fort Worth region started this past week.  Already there have been multiple reports of fights and assaults, from students fighting each other to students assaulting their teachers and principals.  In this case, a 15 year old student was involved in a fight in the school cafeteria which escalated outside.  The student was then assaulted by several students and “stomped into unconsciousness.” 
“Fort Worth police said a school resource officer struggled to pull the attackers off the victim and the officer was forced to taser both attackers as they kept kicking the unconscious boy.”
As school districts across this country are faced with less funding from state and federal budget cuts, instances of violence may be more prevalent.  Schools and their staff are being forced to do more with less.  Thankfully in this case, the school police officer was properly trained in the use of his equipment and was able to end the violence before it turned deadly. 

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