Yesterday's post, while the data and stats are accurate, was more of a test run for me to get the feel of the site, to get used to the idea of writing, and to shake the uncertainties off. I only told one person I did it.
So today, I'm letting everyone know. I'm going to tweet and Facebook the link to this blog and go from there. I'm sure there will be some that wonder why the heck I'm doing it, and others who fully support it. Either way, I'm doing this for me and for anyone who is interested in the information or in discussions. I've had the desire to write for a long time, but I have to give credit to a guy named Scott Dickson who writes the Crime Analyst Blog. I heard him speak at an association meeting and since then I decided to do it. I wasn't sure exactly what topic or name I would use so it took a few days.
My initial thought was to center the writings on school violence, which could encompass many things. But anyone that knows me knows that I am passionate about gangs. Doesn't mean that I won't discuss other school violence related topics, but I will try to tie them into gangs if I can.
One thing that surprised me was that there are a number of "school and gang" related blogs out there. Many of them have not been updated in years. Some of them, which appeared to be followed by many, decided that the topic had run its course and shut them down. This is going to be the perfect lead in to my next topic. Gangs are not going away!
So with all that said, if you read this, thanks. If you tell a friend to read it, thanks again. And if you have any constructive criticisms, ideas, or topics, let me know.
Looking forward to reading it Little Mikey Dovick.
ReplyDeleteGreat blog!
ReplyDeleteCool I'm sure there will be some interesting topics and very informative information, can't wait and good luck <3